Seafood casserole
with plantain hash
Puerto Rico

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El mesón Gallego


El Mesón Gallego is a culinary experience that takes your palate from Puerto Rico to the heart of Galicia. Here you will experience the best of Galician and Spanish cuisine with a Puerto Rican twist. Come and enjoy its amazing service and culinary art.

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Seafood and fish

  • 1 Langoustine
  • 2 Shrimps
  • 1 big scallops
  • 4 oz monkfish (originally “cartucho” fish that is indigenous to Puerto Rico).
  • 1/2 Lobster tail
  • 1 Giant clam
  • 1 Mussel

– 1/2 taza de salsa de pimientos
– 2 cdas de Pimiento Morrón rojo y verde
– 1 cda de Cebolla blanca
– 1 Chorrito de aceite de Oliva Extra Virgen
– 4 Gotitas de Jerez, o licor de su preferencia
– 2 cdas de ralladura de plátano
– 1/2 cdta de ajo
– 1/2 taza de fumet de pescado


  1. In a medium sized pan, pour the oil at approximately 225F. place the onion and bell peppers. sprinkle salt & pepper on the seafood and place them in the pan with the garlic; when they are halfway done, pour the bell pepper sauce and the somked fish sauce and the shredded green plantain.
  2. When almost ready sprinkle the sherry/licquor and let it all come together and the sauce has body/structure.
Protos Verdejo

¿What wine to pair it with?


Este plato de mariscos marida perfecto con nuestro Protos Verdejo, ya que su frescura y acidez, aumentará los sabores de los mariscos, y los pimientos naturales aumentarán esas notas de hierbas presentes en el vino.

El Mesón Gallego

Ave. Roosevelt #1247
Puerto Nuevo San Juan,
Puerto Rico 00920